Thursday, January 21, 2010

sundance the night away

Today is Sundance, I don't normally notice but this year I happened to. There are a few movies/ shorts that caught my eye.

"I'm Here" Spike Jonze
I'm still on the Where the Wild Things Are high. I thoroughly enjoyed that movie and his short with Kanye was pretty entertaining too, so I'm interested to see what he does with this. I'm very impressed by the robots movements from what I've seen.

"Holy Rollers" Kevin Asch
This movie is based on a true story about 2 Jews that smuggle E into new york. I actually noticed this movie because my favorite remix artist RAC is doing the music for this movie, so let's just say that this movie speaks to me.

Some other mentions are "Howl" starring James Franco, he's had a good run so this could be good to watch. "Burried" starring Ryan Reynolds just so I can see him trapped in a coffin for butchering Deadpool and probably Green Lantern too. "The Runaways" with Kstew and Dakota Fanning. After their awesome performance in Twlight: new moon, how could this not be good?

Bluray List update

Feb 2
-Gangs of New York

Feb 9
-A Serious Man

Feb 23
-Sorority Row!
-The Informant

March 2
-Where the Wild Things Are (can't wait)
-Gentleman Broncos

March 23
-Fantastic Mr. Fox
-The Men who stare at Goats

March 30
-Sherlock Holmes

April 6
-LOTR (finally on Bluray)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Adventure awaits

So I flew to Cloud City this weekend in search of snow. Low and behold, we were in luck. Why not Hoth you may ask? Well let's just say what they say about too much of one thing holds true. Plus my taun-taun was in the shop.

Being 24 going on 25, I've come to realize how hard it is to meet people that you get along with. For the first time in my life I am in a situation where everything I do and everyone I spend my time with is by choice and not by force. I just spent a weekend away with friends I know I will have for the rest of my life. Yeah it's sappy, but it's winter so what can I do. Can't a guy love his friends, ALL of thems.

My Rebel Alliance
(little shout out to Mary who was also there and Raj who was supposed to be there)

Yeah this post was such a livejournal post (in my best Bruno voice) so I'm going to cut it off here and leave you with the most pensive picture ever.

The thinker of the wolf-pack.

(If you look closely, you can see my snowboard. It's the one that looks like a neon sign of great promises)

Monday, January 4, 2010

If you read this Kristy, you should know that I'm going to eat your whole pizza next time and delete all your episodes of top gear and kill you in COD. But we are still going to be friends

Don't read this Kristy

Heed Admiral Ackbar's warning.

Lately I have been obsessed with classical instruments not in classical music, especially of the horn persuasion.
Actually so much so that even sessions of impromptu mouth trumpeting break out on my long trips to SF.
I guess I'm writing this as a declaration of my new years resolution to write music using as many instruments as possible.
I'll be happy just to write in general since I've never truly done it before, only one real piece in college.
My only set back is that I don't play that many BUT I do have a freak of nature asian friend (Saemi Cho) that can play anything she picks up.
I may have to abuse her.
I have the tools and the will. This year I fight my laziness.

These are the best examples of what I mean. They are both kind of old but on my list of favorite songs EVER

STARS- Your Ex Lover is Dead

Beirut- Nantes